Residential Recycling in Fayetteville

Fayetteville is an Earth-friendly community that provides recycling opportunities to all residents that live in the area. We have three convenient locations for mixed recycling (aluminum cans, cardboard, magazines, newspaper and office paper). 

Bins are located at the following locations: 

  • Behind Gino’s (85 Fayette Town Center Rd)
  • Ben Franklin (115 W Maple Ave)
  • Studio B (309 Keller Ave)

We also offer a bin for #1 and #2 plastic recycling behind Gino’s (85 Town Center Rd). Aluminum cans are accepted at our Ben Franklin and Studio B locations. We currently do NOT offer nor accept glass bottle recycling.

Bud’s Recycling Co-op offers weekly curbside pickups in Fayetteville.

For more information on recycling, please email Matt Diederich or call Town Hall at 304.574.0101.

Tire recycling is made possible by the Fayette County Solid Waste Authority through the WVDEP on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10am to 2pm at Kevin’s Used Auto, Rt 19 Scarbro, WV.