Commitment to Mission
We are working for you in our community. Officers routinely respond to calls from our citizens and businesses. Your safety is always at the top of our list of duties. We are available to speak to civic and youth groups. Call our Clerk, Susan Alton, and we can make it happen.
Remember, if you need us, the best way is to call 9-1-1, and they will dispatch us.
Municipal Court and Citation Fees/Payment
For further information on Fayetteville citation fees, visit our Municipal Court page.
Click here to download Financial Affidavit
Contact Information
Police/Municipal Clerk: Susan Alton
Phone: 304.574.0255 Ext. 0
Email: FPD@fayettevillewv.gov
Fax: 304.574.1678
Chief: Tyler Hogan
Phone: 304.574.0255 Ext. 1
Email: chiefPD@fayettevillewv.gov