JULY 2023 ~ What’s Happening
June 28, 2023Want to receive Town alerts? (Road closures, paving, etc.) Text Fayetteville to 91896, then reply “Yes” to verify opt-in.
Would you like to report issues to the Town? Text “Hi” to 681-227-1122 to get started! NO ADS on either APP!
June 30 Music & Vendors downtown Fayetteville 3PM-5PM
June 30 Fayetteville at the Fayette County Courthouse Swearing in of new Town Council 5PM, refreshments following at Town Hall
June 30 Street Dance Downtown Fayetteville 6PM-9PM
July 1 FHS COME ON HOME REUNION Fayetteville $
July 1 Farmers Market Fayette County Courthouse parking lot Fayetteville 8AM-12:30PM
July 1 & 2 Historic Fayette Theater presents Mr. Lincoln 2:00PM Fayetteville 115 S. Court St.
July 1 Vendors Downtown Fayetteville 10AM-9PM
July 1 & 3 Historic Fayette Theater presents Mr. Lincoln 7:30PM Fayetteville 115 S. Court St.
July 1 Carnival at Charlie McCoy Park Fayetteville 1PM-10PM
July 1 Historical Walk with Dr. Lewis Cook 2PM at Fayetteville meet at Town Hall 125 N. Court St.
July 1 Carriage Rides Downtown Fayetteville
July 1 3:30PM Hula Hoop Contest, Balloon Toss Downtown Fayetteville
July 1 4PM Community Chorus at Memorial Building
July 1 5PM The Best Small Town 4th of July Parade
July 1 Old Fashioned Cake Walk 7:30PM Downtown Fayetteville
July 1 Street Dance Downtown Fayetteville
July 2 Vendors 10AM-9PM Charlie McCoy Park Fayetteville
July 2 Music groups 2PM, 4PM, 6:30PM Charlie McCoy Park Fayetteville
July 2– 3 Carnival 5PM-10PM Charlie McCoy Park Fayetteville
July 2 Fireworks Charlie McCoy Park dusk Fayetteville
July 3 Vendors 10AM-9PM at Charlie McCoy Park Fayetteville
July 3 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville Crafting Mondays 5:30PM
July 3 Carriage Rides 1PM-3PM Charlie McCoy Park dusk Fayetteville
July 3 Music 3PM, 6PM Charlie McCoy Park dusk Fayetteville
July 3 Oak Hill City Council Meeting 5:30PM 100 Kelly Avenue
July 4 Government Buildings & Offices Closed for Independence Day
July 4 Vendors at Charlie McCoy Park 10AM-9PM Fayetteville
July 4 Carnival at Charlie McCoy Park 1PM-10PM Fayetteville
July 4 Music at Charlie McCoy Park 3PM, 6PM Fayetteville
July 4 Fayetteville Skate Jam Vendors at Charlie McCoy Park 12PM-8PM
July 4 Historic Fayette Theater presents Mr. Lincoln 4PM Fayetteville 115 S. Court St.
July 4 Hot Dog eating contest Charlie McCoy Park 5PM Fayetteville
July 4 Skate Jam Contest Charlie McCoy Park 6PM
July 6 Fayetteville Town Council Meeting 6PM 125 N. Court Street
July 6 Ansted Town Council Meeting 7:30PM 19940 Midland Trail
July 7 First Fridays in Fayetteville Court Street (Courthouse section) 5PM-9PM music, arts, food
July 8 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville Family Fun 10AM
July 15 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville Family Fun 10AM
July 17 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville Kitchen Witchery 5:30PM
July 18 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville WVU Nutrition 3:30PM
July 22 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville Family Fun 10AM
July 29 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville Family Fun 10AM
July 31 Public Library 200 W. Maple Avenue Fayetteville Book Group 6PM
August 4 First Fridays in Fayetteville Court Street (Courthouse section) 5PM-9PM music, arts, food
October 21 Bridge Day Fayetteville
October 31 Trick or Treat for Halloween 6-8PM
December 16, 2023 Wreaths Across America Huse Memorial Park Fayetteville Please support this effort by using the Location ID WVHUSE and the Fundraising Group ID WV0078. You may mail checks to Wreaths Across America POB 249 Columbia Falls, ME 04623. Individual wreaths are $17 each or 4 for $68.
December 22 & 25 Government Buildings & Offices Closed for Christmas Holiday
December 29, 2023 Government Buildings & Offices Closed for New Year’s Holiday
The purpose of this flyer is to inform our community on monthly activities in our county which may be of interest.
For more county information stop by our Visitors Centers:
Fayetteville Visitors Center 162 S. Court St. Fayetteville
New River Gorge Visitors Center 310 W. Oyler Ave. Oak Hill
National Park Visitors Center 162 Visitors Ct. Rd. Lansing
If you would like to add something to the August issue of “What’s Happening” please call 304-574-0101, drop off to the Mayor’s office 125 N. Court St. Fayetteville or Email matt@fayettevillewv.gov by the 24th of July. Thank you!
Enjoy our area 🙂